April 29, 2022 08:00:00 GMT-0700
Fireside chat
Innovating through automation, innersource, and cultural shifts with Meta, DXC Technology, and 3M
Improving organizational efficiency is not an easy feat. While automation and innersource are important, it also requires strong collaboration, goals, and clarity—in essence, a cultural shift.
Join Virginia Bryant, Director of Customer Marketing at GitHub, as she hears from Meta’s Developer Advocate, Dmitry Vinnik, DXC Technology’s Distinguished Engineer, DevOps Enablement, Tom Halpin, and 3M’s Operations and Quality Manager, Tina Beamer. We’re excited to discuss how they’re leveraging innersource to encourage strong collaboration and deliver high-quality code.
Virginia Bryant
Director of Customer Marketing, GitHub
Tom Halpin
Distinguished Engineer - DevOps Enablement, DXC Technology
Tina Beamer
Operations and Quality Manager, 3M
Dmitry Vinnik
Developer Advocate, Meta